Posts in Family
6 Tips + Memory-Making Photoshoot Ideas

Yeah, I know…your phone is full of photos with your kids. Mine is, too! But I’ve realized sometimes photos need purpose + not just spontaneity. Sometimes I’d like to frame a few photos that aren’t just of the kids making silly faces while playing in the backyard, covered in mud or ice cream.

But first…remember, this should be FUN!

Here are six tips and a whole bunch of ideas for memorable photos (and a fun time snapping them).

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Celebrate What Brings You Joy

If you’d rather poke your eyes out than create anything hand-made, by all means relive yourself of that and purchase what you need in life. We should never EVER feel like we have to do ALL the things seen while scrolling Instagram and Pinterest.

Celebrate what brings YOU joy!

Just do the few things that feel good and fill you up.

I want you to intentionally set down the balls that aren’t for you in this season, so nothing comes tumbling down out of stress or feelings of inadequacy. Why? Because a mom with too many balls in the air is going to drop some. Let’s be intentional in what is set down…not drop whatever happens to feel too-much (dropping important or life-giving things is never good)…

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Can You Be More Than One Thing?

I’m tired of women being put inside a box. Are you a mom? I betcha you’re more than “just a mom”. Are you a teacher? A pastor? A salesperson? A yoga instructor? A barista? I bet that’s not ALL you are, either.

We need to start celebrating the multi-faceted women that we are. We can be many things, like many things, and wear many hats.

Want to know what I mean?? Here are some of mine…

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Thoughts from a White Mom of Black Kids

I’ve been sitting here at my keyboard for awhile. Quite awhile, in fact. My fingers are poised upon the keyboard and I’m staring at the blank screen, just watching the cursor blink at me, almost mocking me to share all I’ve been feeling these past several weeks.

Amaud, Breeonna, and now George. I don’t even need to say their last names at this point because you know exactly who I’m referring to. I’ve heard from many of my white friends as they’ve cried out in shock and in horror of the injustice.

“Welcome to the conversation,” I’ve wanted to say.

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(100+ fun resources!) When COVID-19 Has Your Kids Home

What if this time home because of COVID-19 ended up being a season our kids look back on as life-changing in the most beautiful sense? What if they learned to love learning again? What if all this home-time reconnected us as families? What if we end up recognizing that we need to slow down?!

Here are a whole bunch of resources to help creativity, fun, and learning…(and hopefully stave off the desire for Netflix and Disney+ all day, ‘ery day).

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