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The Blog

I want you to overflow. Overflow in kindness, patience, love…I could go on and on. I want us all to thrive…but we’re often MASSIVELY tapped out instead. So often we’re living empty. We’re barely hanging on. If you hang out here, we’ll totally chat about some fun earrings I think you should get…and a breakfast idea I think you’ll love. But I’ll also share how to study the Bible, my thoughts on prayer, and teach you how to live an overflowing, abundant life.

Because you aren’t one thing. And you can’t pour from an empty cup


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Free Workshop

Are you constantly overwhelmed and exhausted?

As an Enneagram 1, working mom of six kids, I've spent way too many years living in overwhelm. Let me teach you how to reframe how you view your day-to-day so you, too, can get to the point where you can slow down, rest, and spend more time present with your family.

Because this frazzled, burnt-out life you're living in? It's not the legacy you want to leave your kids. We're not meant to live like this. There really is a better way.
